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Maryland Personal Injury Lawyers

Miller & Zois is a leading Maryland law firm. Our Baltimore personal injury lawyers handle only serious accident and death claims on behalf of victims and their families. Our lawyers handle mass tort product liability claims throughout the country.

Personal Injury Cases Our Lawyers Handle

Our Maryland personal injury lawyers have firmly established ourselves with the insurance companies as fierce advocates for our clients in their battle to get the compensation they deserve. They know full well that we are very willing to go to trial to deliver justice. We have obtained over $100 million for our clients in verdicts and settlements in the past 21 years, including over $60 million in 2018-23.

Our legal team is available 24/7 by phone and video conferencing for our current and new clients. Call us (800) 553-8082. Learn about how we are serving and protecting clients.

Baltimore Injury Lawyers that Fight for You

Our firm only takes cases where we 100% believe the client is entitled to compensation. Our attorneys take cases for clients we believe in that we think passionately deserve compensation either for the harm that was done to them or for the loss of someone they loved dearly. We have not and will not represent any insurance company or any business fighting against victims. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, we work only with injured victims and families who have lost a loved one, and we are eager to assist you with your case.

We also realize that you might not be coming here to look for a lawyer but to get real information. If so, you have come to the right place. This is the most comprehensive information website for tort victims in the Baltimore-Washington area. Our Victim Help Center is a virtual encyclopedia of information for victims trying to figure out where to turn and what they can really expect, including information on what Maryland personal injury victims need to do, how long it might take, and just how much their case might be worth.

Cases Our Personal Injury Lawyers Handle

Car Accidents

Our Maryland car accident lawyers have achieved successful results at trial in hundreds of car accident cases in Washington DC, Baltimore, and throughout Maryland. When many Maryland lawyers, healthcare providers, and even insurance adjusters are seriously hurt, they turn to Miller & Zois. We can help you, too.

Our Baltimore car accident attorneys have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for auto, motorcycle, and truck accident victims by settlement or trial. We believe, both by reputation and the results we achieve, that we are the best car accident lawyers in Maryland.

Medical Malpractice

Our Maryland medical malpractice lawyers aggressively represent victims of medical negligence claims brought against their doctors, hospitals, and nursing homes. We have decades of trial experience and, unlike many lawyers talking about malpractice claims on the Internet, we have a history of taking these cases to trial and winning.

Our Baltimore medical malpractice attorneys will investigate your claim and consult with our medical experts to ensure that your case is properly positioned for settlement, or if necessary, to file a lawsuit and go to trial. “They were obviously thoroughly prepared, and left no doubt that they had mastered the facts of the case.” A Juror We handle malpractice suits throughout the Baltimore-Washington area for: surgery malpractice

  • Birth delivery errors (including cases involving cerebral palsy, brachial plexus palsy, Erb’s palsy, and shoulder dystocia)
  • Hospital malpractice in the emergency room or after admission, surgical errors (such as cutting or severing organs, nerves, ducts, vessels or bowels, and anesthesia mistakes)
  • Medication or drug errors and mistakes (such as drug overdoses, unrecognized drug allergies or improper use or combination of drugs)
  • Misdiagnosis (such as cancer, meningitis, pulmonary embolism, and stroke)
  • Nursing home negligence claims

Nursing Home Malpractice and Abuse

Our nursing home cases rank among the most heartbreaking cases we handle. Typical medical malpractice cases usually involve a well-intentioned doctor or nurse making a foolish mistake even though their heart was in the right place.

Nursing home cases are often very different. They often involve more than just a simple error. Many of these cases are the result of nursing home staff who are willfully indifferent to the needs of their residents. There are even cases — too many cases — where the abuse is intentional.

Nursing home neglect and abuse can lead to bedsore, fall, urinary tract infections, bedsores, malnutrition or dehydration, and an assortment of other maladies that can cause severe injury and death. Our attorneys are committed to using our experience and resources to provide providing aggressive representation to victims to maximize the settlement and trial value of nursing home cases.

Products Liability Claims

Our firm also handles a limited number of product liability/product defect pharmaceutical and medical device cases not only in Maryland but around the country involving:

Truck Accidents

Imagine getting hit by a semi, 18-wheeler, or any other commercial vehicle. Victims of these accidents are left seriously injured, terrified, rattled, traumatized, and even killed. Where do you go and what do you do if you or someone you love was injured or killed in a truck accident?

Make no mistake about it. Truck accidents are altogether different from, and a great deal more involved than, a car or motorcycle accident. Truck accidents can be caused by such factors as human error or distraction, lack of maintenance or inspection of commercial vehicles by the owner of the vehicle, mechanical failure, or even intoxication of the driver.

What most victims do not realize is that there are various regulations and circumstances that involve Maryland truck accident law, Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations, accident reconstruction, investigations, and ultimately the chain of liability of the accident.

As the accident victim, you have rights for compensation and due process for justice. You need a lawyer with decades of combined experience handling commercial vehicle or truck accident claims to fight for those rights and represent your best interests.

The decision to seek the assistance of a law firm that has the experience, familiarity, and knowledge to navigate the Maryland state and federal regulations and limitations placed on the handling of truck accident claims against sophisticated defendants such as large companies, commercial vehicle drivers, and their attorneys is one of the most important decisions you will face.

Miller & Zois has this experience. Our truck accident attorneys are experienced and fully ready and equipped to fight for the victims who have suffered severe injuries or for the families who have lost a loved one as the result of a commercial truck accident.

Motorcycle Accidents

At Miller & Zois, our lawyers understand the joys and the associated risks of riding a motorcycle. Since we have lawyers who are experienced riders, we know what it is like in the real world as a motorcyclist. We understand that too often, other drivers on the road are often distracted and completely ignore and disregard us. Ultimately, too many motorcyclists are killed each year because we are invisible to those many distracted motorists.

Our motorcycle accident lawyers have had the unfortunate and unpleasant experience of witnessing on a very personal level the trauma, injuries, and deaths caused by negligent drivers. The human body is simply not constructed to tolerate and stand up against the impact of a car or truck which outweighs the motorcyclist by several thousand pounds and has a strength that far exceeds any human body.

Our firm has compassionate, experienced, and knowledgeable attorneys who have represented families who lost their loved ones and the victims who have survived the crash only to go on to suffer broken limbs, amputations, and traumatic brain injuries. We have confronted the insurance companies and have successfully been able to secure compensation and justice for our clients and for the family members left behind after their loved one tragically lost a life due to the carelessness and negligence of another driver.

Unfortunately, in the fast-paced world in which we live, if you have had the unpleasant experience of being in a motorcycle crash and injured, or worse, killed, you are the one at a disadvantage. Juries tend to see motorcyclists, and they incorrectly visualize the image of the guy that went past them at some previous point in their life at 100 miles an hour on a racing-style motorcycle (sometimes called a “crotch rocket”). The insurance companies want to take full advantage of this misperception and apply it to your case. You need experienced trial lawyers who have the reputation of being successful and who will tailor and develop your case to assist you or your family in receiving the compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and, most importantly, pain and suffering.

All of our motorcycle accident cases are on a contingency fee basis. This means that there is never an attorney fee charged unless we successfully negotiate a settlement or receive a judgment in the courts on your behalf.

Birth Injury Malpractice

At Miller & Zois, our experienced and knowledgeable Maryland birth injury lawyers understand the physical, emotional, and financial tolls that birth injuries place on your child and your family. The care received before and after birth is critical to a baby’s successful development, health, and future.

Birth injuries are often the result of the mistake or negligence of a doctor or nurse. When this unfortunate incident occurs, you may be able to recover compensation on behalf of your child and for your family for the unnecessary and needless harm, financial strains, and possible future special care expenses that this negligence or mistake may have caused.

If you ask our law firm to review your child’s case, what would our firm do for you? The first thing we would do is listen to you. As the parent or guardian, you will have personal knowledge of the situation and you will be able to communicate to us any credible and relevant information that may not appear in the medical records. We take the time to learn about what you, your child, and your family have endured as a result of these birth injuries.

Our birth injury lawyers will then start to work for you by collecting all of the relevant medical records. We do a complete and thorough review and analysis of specific areas such as electronic fetal monitor strips, tests performed (or not performed) on the mother and her child, and the labor and delivery flow. This careful assessment of these areas will give you the necessary and crucial answers that were not provided by the hospital or OB. The sad truth is that 10% of OB/GYNs admit to lying to a patient to avoid a malpractice lawsuit.

There are many mistakes doctors make that lead to birth injuries and medical malpractice lawsuits. Our lawyers have repeatedly seen many of the same types of cases:

Failing to Order a Timely Caesarian Section: The failure to give an emergency Caesarian when the child is not reassuring (fetal distress) is a very common course of birth injuries. Oxygen is critical at this juncture of life. If the child is not getting the necessary oxygen to support the baby’s organs, then delivery has to happen quickly. Delay or failure to timely perform a C-section can cause birth injuries that the child and their family will carry for a lifetime.

Failure to Secure Oxygen for the Baby: While you and I can endure relatively extended periods of oxygen deprivation, a fetus or newborn child cannot. Doctors and nurses have the critical responsibility of providing the baby with all of the oxygen necessary by the vital organs, especially the brain, for successful health, growth, and ultimate survival.

Improper Forceps Use: Unfortunately, in addition to the question of whether or not to perform a C-section, the use of forceps involves doctors who tend to go to the extremes on the spectrum. While there are some doctors who have the necessary skills and knowledge to use forceps properly, there are doctors who do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to properly use forceps. As a result of this lack of knowledge and experience, these doctors should not take on the responsibility of delivering babies. When the doctor lacks the skill and expertise required for forceps, this can lead to brain bleeds and nerve damage.

Improper Use of Pitocin: The drug Pitocin is given to mothers to expedite childbirth. Giving a mother Pitocin during the birth process is rarely considered negligence by itself. But Pitocin is a dangerous drug that can cause excessive uterine activity. If the baby is showing distress on the electronic fetal heart rate monitor, reasonable care requires the nurse to discontinue the use of Pitocin. Too often, distracted or uninformed doctors and nurses continue to administer Pitocin, which can cause injury to the child.

Hypoxia (lack of oxygen): Many birth injuries, including many cases of cerebral palsy, are the result of oxygen deprivation during labor and delivery. The frustrating part is that the baby is often telling the medical professionals via the electronic fetal monitor, that there is an oxygen deficiency that needs to be addressed quickly. Other birth injuries include:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Placental abruption
  • Herpes encephalitis
  • Caput Succedaneum
  • Intrauterine growth restriction
  • Perinatal Encephalopathy
  • Uterine rupture
  • Placenta previa
  • Hypoglycemia-induced brain injury
  • Infant subgaleal hematoma (brain bleed)

Wrongful Death

No matter what the reason, nothing hurts more than losing someone you love. It is made all the more painful when the death could have been avoided if not for a mistake made by a doctor or negligent driver.

Our law firm has 150 years of combined experience fighting for families in wrongful death medical malpractice and car accident cases. We help families fight for financial compensation when they have lost loved ones in accident or medical malpractice cases. It is the least we can do for someone who has had to endure this unimaginable suffering.

Our website and our lawyers can explain to you how death cases work in Maryland. We explain the two distinct claims — wrongful death and survival action — and how they work for you.

Baltimore Injury Lawyers With a Track Record of Success

We have a history of maximizing the value of these cases. Why? Because we understand Maryland’s wrongful death law and we know how to apply it. While it sounds very simple, many victims’ trial lawyers cannot operate this law to their client’s maximum advantage. At Miller & Zois, we can and we have a track record to prove it.

Lawyers Weekly said it well: as “former insurance defense lawyers, Miller & Zois knows the other side’s playbook.”

What Miller & Zois brings to the table is experience and a history of results. Our remarkable record of quality verdicts, particularly in recent years, speak for themselves. There are not many law firms in this state or the country who are matching our results. These victories have made it so much easier for us to get quality out-of-court settlements for our clients. Our message is clear: you can pay now, or you can pay later.

Our Maryland personal injury lawyers have achieved this record with tenacity and experience. Miller & Zois has over 100 years of combined experience in dealing with insurance companies and handling accident and medical malpractice claims. We used to work for the same insurance companies that we now fight on behalf of our suffering clients every day. Our Washington, DC – Baltimore personal injury lawyers know what the insurance companies are up to and we know how to make them sweat.

Lawyers Weekly said it well: as “former insurance defense lawyers, Miller & Zois knows the other side’s playbook.” In other words, we are very familiar with the techniques and tricks that the insurance companies use to deny tort victims fair compensation… and how to fight those clever tricks and win for our clients.

If you have come to our website because you were seriously injured by the negligence of someone else, we suggest that you review the site to learn as much as you can. We have a lot of information about these claims and about the Baltimore personal injury attorneys at Miller & Zois. Do the same for others to find counsel with the background, experience, and philosophy best suited for you. We think we are the best personal injury firm for you. But you should do your research and pick the team you believe will be best for you. “I refer all of my serious injury cases in Maryland to Miller & Zois because they turn over every last stone to maximize the value of their case. The last case I referred to them settled for $1.2 million.” John Selinger (New York Personal Injury Lawyer)

While our Baltimore personal injury attorneys have litigated in most states in this country and continue to represent clients outside of Maryland in special cases, the vast majority of the victims that come to us come from Maryland. We have offices in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City. Our main office is in at One South Street on the 24th floor. This location gives us the flexibility to cover the entire Baltimore metropolitan area.

We have an equally strong presence in the Washington area and have earned tens of millions of dollars for our clients in verdicts and settlements in recent years in Prince George’s County, Montgomery County, Frederick, and surrounding counties.

This statement might be self-serving, but it is also true: if you have a serious injury case, you want to hire the best personal injury law firm that you can no matter where the firm is located. It is 2023… and we will come to you!

Information for Maryland Personal Injury Victims and Lawyers

This website is far more than our law firm just puffing our results and bragging about our remarkable success in getting our clients outstanding settlements and verdicts (although, admittedly, we do that, too). This site is a real resource for victims, law students, and Maryland injury lawyers.

Our Attorney Help Center has a wealth of information about the practice of personal injury law, providing real information and examples that trial lawyers can immediately use to help their clients. We break down every insurance company and every jurisdiction in Maryland so advocates will know exactly what you are facing.

We give plaintiffs’ personal injury trial attorneys examples of the arsenal of weapons we have at our disposal to put these cases in position to win, such as sample demand letters, pleadings, discovery, depositions, motions, jury instructions, and motions in limine.

Not only do we provide these samples but we explain how and when to use these weapons to best apply pressure on defense counsel to increase the trial and settlement value of your client’s case.

For victims, our Help Center gives you a real sense of what to expect both in terms of the process involved and your prospects for compensation. We give you real information on how judges, juries, and insurance companies value claims like yours. Our Baltimore personal injury lawyers break down the real meaning of such legal terms as contributory negligence, res ipsa loquitur, respondeat superior, and scores of other tort law jargon in easy-to-understand language.

Contacting Miller & Zois: Free Consultation

If you are hurt in a serious accident or are the victim of medical malpractice, contact our Baltimore personal injury attorneys to discuss your case. Call us now for help at 800-553-8082. You can also get a FREE no-obligation online consultation.

Client Reviews
When my sister was killed, we turned to Miller & Zois to fight for us. They stood by us every step of the way and we ended up getting more money than we asked for. C.B. (Baltimore City)
My prior lawyer was not able to get the insurance companies to offer a single penny in my case. Then my lawyer referred me to Ron and Laura. It was a long fight and they fought for me every step of the way. My case settled for $1.31 million. A.A. (Baltimore City)
I did not get an offer for my case because the insurance company said they were denying coverage. My lawyer then referred me to Miller & Zois. After Miller & Zois got involved, the offer was raised to $150,000. We thought that was not fair so Miller & Zois took my case to arbitration. Our case was well prepared and perfectly executed. The arbitrator awarded me $405,000. R.V. (Anne Arundel County)
I refer all of my serious injury cases in Maryland to Miller & Zois because they turn over every last stone to maximize the value of their case. The last case I referred to them settled for $1.2 million. John Selinger (New York personal injury lawyer)
As former insurance defense lawyers, Miller & Zois 'know the other side's playbook'. Lawyers Weekly USA
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