
Baltimore Injury Lawyer Blog


Another Fun Technique for Cross-Examining Defense Medical Experts

As you can tell by some of my recent blog posts, I have been spending a lot of time lately cross-examining defense medical experts. Today I want to talk about using defense experts to bring in favorable opinions. Related Information Cross-Examining Defense Medical Experts With Their Own Ethics Rules “Polarizing…


Proposed Law Will Require Self-Insured Entities to Disclose Claims Information

Update: This law was passed.  Today, I will be testifying before the Maryland General Assembly’s House Environmental Matters Committee in favor of HB125. This bill will require the MVA to establish regulations requiring self-insureds to provide the name, address, self-insurance certificate number, and claims information for the self-insurer at the…


Language Barriers in Court Cases

Maryland has an increasingly diverse population. This means that our court system needs to keep pace with the needs of our residents. By law, this includes providing interpreter services to those who cannot communicate effectively in English. Here is an article from the Baltimore Sun about how courts in Baltimore…

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