
Baltimore Injury Lawyer Blog


Big News – Oral Argument Scheduled On Right To Discover Professional Witness Financial Bias

Yesterday I received an order from the Court of Appeals of Maryland scheduling oral argument in two cases I am handling. Really, it is one argument, but relates to two cases that have been consolidated on appeal. The first case is a case my colleague Rod Gaston had for trial…


Juror Disclosure and Voir Dire in Maryland

The Baltimore Sun’s Peter Hermann reports about a criminal case in Baltimore City that raises questions about juror disclosure and impartiality. Apparently, this particular case ended in a mistrial because one juror was holding out for an acquittal. After the mistrial was declared, prosecutors learned that the holdout juror was…


Lack of Visible Property Damage Can Be a Problem in Personal Injury Trials

I just finished a two-day jury trial in the Circuit Court for Cecil County. Based solely on the preceding sentence, any experienced Maryland personal injury lawyers reading this probably have an idea where this post is going. I was trying one of the most difficult types of cases to present…


Miller & Zois Million Dollar Verdict In Baltimore City Trucking Injury Case

Our firm obtained a verdict of $1,063,807.37 for our client this week.  Great win for a wonderful 22-year-old mother of a one-year-old at the time of the accident. Facts of This Truck Accident Case This was a hotly contested liability case. Our client contended she was injured when the Defendant,…


Cross-Examining Defense Doctors on Financial Bias.

The best way to attack a defense medical witness’ testimony is to conduct an effective cross-examination. One of the ways we do this is by exposing the doctor’s financial interest in acting as a professional witness. Maryland law allows discovery of how much a professional witness earns from testifying, as…

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