Arbitration is a form of resolving civil disputes privately, outside of the actual court system. Instead of taking their case to court and having it decided by a jury or judge, both parties voluntarily agree to have the case heard and decided by a private arbitration panel. Arbitration differs from…
Baltimore Injury Lawyer Blog
How to Calculate Lost Earnings if You’re Self Employed
In a personal injury lawsuit, plaintiffs are entitled to get compensation for the economic losses resulting from their injury, including lost earnings. So if you’re not able to work for an extended time because of the injury, you are supposed to get money to compensate for the income you lost.…
Back Injuries from Car Accidents in Baltimore Lawyer
If you are having back pain after a car crash, you are not alone. Our law office represents hundreds of victims every year who have suffered back pain — typically low back pain — from a car accident. I’m hoping this post answers a lot of questions you might have…
Baltimore Doubles Down on Speed and Red Light Cameras
Last week, the Baltimore City Department of Transportation announced that it is pushing its chips to the center of the table when it comes to speed and red light cameras. Baltimore has a program called the City’s Automated Traffic Violation Enforcement System (ATVES). Not so much to me because I’ve…
What is HIE? Hypoxic-Ischemic Perinatal Encephalopathy FAQs
Hypoxic-Ischemic perinatal encephalopathy (“HIE” for short) is loss of oxygen to the brain. In slightly less than half of the cases, HIE can cause death or brain injuries. What Causes HIE? Obviously, the brain is the key to neurological function. The brain commands and controls all of our essential actions…
Preparing Your Client for Testifying at Trial
The most important part of a personal injury trial is the plaintiff’s testimony. Specifically, the most critical part of a trial is the personal injury plaintiff’s direct examination. If it doesn’t go well when you are in total control of the process and the facts, it will be nearly impossible…
Social Media Risks for Personal Injury Clients
You know what’s funny about stuff you post on the internet? It’s public, and that means people can see it. This includes those you would rather not see it. For example, if you are a disability claimant, you may want to forego that chance to post a video on YouTube…
Hurt by Malpractice or an Accident? What to Expect in P.G. County
Certainly, given their preference, plaintiffs’ lawyer will choose PG County or Baltimore City as the venue for almost any Maryland accident case. If our case is not in Baltimore, we want to be in P.G County if I have a Maryland traffic accident case. The difference cannot be understated. There…
Getting Police Cooperation in Baltimore City in Accident Cases
Anybody who has seen the fantastic HBO series The Wire knows that the Baltimore Police have more than enough to do. Even with the recent drop in Baltimore’s murder rate, our police are still very busy. The problem is not that they are offended by a subpoena. This can cause…
Baltimore Nursing Home Injuries
Recently I was contacted by a very nice lady who was looking for an injury lawyer to handle a case involving the wrongful death of a family member in a Baltimore nursing home. We handle a lot of nursing home cases and this call was very typical. We get a…