
Baltimore Injury Lawyer Blog


A Truck Accident Injury Case is More Than a Car Accident Case on Steroids

Lawyers who do not regularly handle injury cases from truck accidents often think it is simply another car accident case, only with bigger vehicles. This could not be more wrong. Trucking accident injury cases have different factual and legal issues than car accident cases. Although the factual differences are many,…


Saving Expert Witnesses Who Faced or Faced Disciplinary Charges

There has been some controversy recently in the community of Maryland lawyers who handle personal injury and worker’s compensation claims when it comes to finding an expert who can testify to the plaintiff’s injuries in car accident cases.  Sometimes, you have a doctor, often the treating doctor, who was at…


Another appellate win for M&Z!

Yesterday the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland released this opinion reversing the Circuit Court for Baltimore County’s entry of summary judgment against one of our clients. The case involves the application of Insurance Article §19-511 in settling an underinsured motorist claim. Ron Miller offers some preliminary analysis here. I…


Florida Court Allows Financial Bias Discovery of Plaintiff’s Treating Physicians

Regular readers of this blog (Hi, Mom!) will probably remember that cross-examining defense medical experts on the issue of financial interest bias is a topic that I have discussed several times. That is because our lawyers believe that when an expert has a financial interest bias, that it is of…

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