How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim?

Car accident victims often ask, ” How long does it take to get a settlement check in an average car accident case? ” or ” Why is my settlement taking so long?”

The reason you are asking how long it will take the insurance company to pay you is obvious. You want to put your car crash – which was likely very traumatic – behind you, right? You also want to get as much money as you can as quickly as you can.

What Has to Happen Before a Car Accident Settlement Offer?

Before getting an initial offer, the critical first step to getting a car accident settlement check, three things must happen:

  1. Treatment is completed, or the patient is at maximum medical improvement. The timeline on this is anywhere from 1 day to years.
  2. All medical records and bills must be obtained along with doctor’s reports for future lost wages and medical bills. The timetable for this varies with the volume of medical records and reports that must be collected, and the range is between days and months.
  3. Getting a response to the demand package. This takes between 15 and 90 days. (We look at all the major insurance companies and take a look at the average time of how long they take to respond.)

Let’s take a deeper look at the three key variables affecting how long your case will take to reach the settlement stage so you can better understand why your settlement has been taking so long.

Treatment Is Finished or at Maximum Medical Improvement

First, the client must either (1) fully recover and need no further treatment or (2) reach maximum medical improvement. While the client may need additional treatment, this is as good a recovery as the client is likely to get.

Alternatively, if future surgery or other medical procedures have not yet been performed, an accident lawyer can ask a doctor to give an estimate of what the costs of the future surgery/procedure will cost.

This is often the biggest reason there is a delay in settling a severe injury claim. The solution? The key is getting the doctors- at this point, we know so many of them- to write a report that will allow you to claim your reasonably anticipated future expenses.

  • New video that explains how long you can expect the insurance company to offer you a compensation payout in your injury claim
  • How much money can you expect for a first offer? Take a look at a few insurance companies, starting with Allstate.
  • The value of your accident case: connect the data to your case to help you figure out what your case’s settlement value might be.

All of the Clients’ Medical Bills and Records Have Been Obtained

What makes personal injury cases settle as quickly as they possibly can? Lawyers and paralegals working hard.

If a case is going to be settled quickly without a lawsuit for top value, a car accident lawyer will need to obtain all of the client’s medical records and bills. At our law firm and many personal injury firms, it is the lawyer’s job to collect the medical bills and records.

Medical records are essential. Settlement before a lawsuit in an accident claim will be based almost exclusively on the victim’s medical records. How these records reflect the injuries is – at this stage of the game – the most important variable the insurance companies use to determine value.

Are the records enough? It depends. In most cases, the doctor’s critical opinions are contained in the four corners of the medical records. In others, as we discussed above, we need the doctors to offer opinions on future medical care or to clarify ambiguity in the medical records.

The Demand Package: Waiting for a Response

After a settlement demand is sent with the relevant medical bills and records and other information necessary to resolve the claim, it takes the insurance company time to evaluate it. Most injury claims should not take more than three weeks. But it often does. Your accident lawyer needs to be following up with the insurance company to keep your case at the front of the line.

What if your case settles? You do not have an insurance settlement check yet. Your accident lawyer needs to push the ball forward as quickly as possible to get your money to you as soon as possible. Some insurance companies drag their feet after a car accident settlement has been effectuated.

The best lawyers stay on top of the insurance company to expedite you getting your settlement check as soon as possible. Our firm knows our clients want to get their money quickly. So we push them to get out the insurance check immediately.

Some victims often ask us how long the insurance company has to respond after a bodily injury demand letter in a car wreck case. In most states, there is no rule requiring the insurance company to respond at all. There are not many duties owed by an insurance company to you if you are not their insured. Their primary goal is to pay you as little as possible. There is no obligation for them to be fair with you.

Before we leave this topic, there is one more thing you should know. If you have gotten this far in this article, you want to settle your case quickly. But in the average serious injury case, you need to file a lawsuit to maximize the value of your case.

You do not have to file a lawsuit. Sometimes lawyers do not understand the client’s need to get their money quickly.

But, if you do settle early, you may be leaving money on the table. When our attorneys file a lawsuit, it often results in a later offer that is many times more than the pre-suit settlement offer. The muscle of a lawsuit puts fear into insurance companies. This muscle often gets them to pay far more settlement money than they would have considered before suit was filed.

How Long Does a Car Accident Lawsuit Take?

Now we are talking about a car accident lawsuit instead of a settlement.

If a lawsuit has been filed for your insurance claim, your personal injury case can settle at any time. There are a few common natural inflection points for settlement that how better answer the “how long?” questions.

The best time to settle is often right after the lawsuit has been filed. The insurance company now knows you are serious. With many insurers, this can often lead to an immediate and meaningful increase in the offer (GEICO, Nationwide. Liberty Mutual, and Progressive come to mind more than State Farm and Allstate).

The second inflection point is at the pre-trial conference after the discovery phase of the litigation is over (or at a private mediation).

The third time that is ripe for a settlement is the literal courthouse steps. Insurance companies are at their most reasonable when a trial is imminent. Again, a case can settle at any point but these are the three most common post-lawsuit settlement opportunities.

Why Is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

When victims ask why their call accident settlement is taking so long, they are often implicitly asking if their car accident lawyer’s neglect is the reason for the delay. The answer? Maybe. There are bottlenecks in the settlement process that no amount of hustle can speed up. So it may be there is nothing your accident lawyer can do because the attorneys is waiting on medical records or waiting for the insurance company to respond. But there is no question that the delay is often the result of a plaintiff’s lawyer who is not staying on top of the case.

How do you find out why your case is taking so long? Communication. Call you lawyer and ask specific questions about why there is a delay.

How Long Does It Take To Get Settlement Money From A Car Accident After A Settlement?

One you finally get a settlement agreement, how long does it take from the agreement to getting a check in your hand?  The timeline to receive settlement money from a car accident can vary, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months after reaching a settlement.

The process involves finalizing the settlement agreement, the insurance company processing the payment, and possibly resolving any liens on the settlement amount.

The way it works is when a settlement check from a car accident is issued, it is typically made out to both the lawyer and the client. The lawyer then deposits this check into a trust or escrow account, where it must clear before any funds are distributed.

The biggest thing that makes the settlement process go faster? A motivated lawyer who is willing to push the ball forward quickly.  If you need your settlement money quickly, do not be shy about communicating that to your lawyer.

Car Accident Settlement Timeline

Let’s put all of this together and look in general terms at the timeline to settle a car accident case:

Step Description Estimated Time
1 Accident Occurs & Medical Treatment Immediate to Years
2 Evidence Collection & Claim Submission 1-8 Weeks
3 Negotiations with Insurance 1-2 Months
4 Settlement Reached (or not) Immediate
5 Check Issued & Deposited in Escrow 1-2 Weeks
6 Check Clears & Distribution of Funds 1-2 Weeks
7 Client Receives Settlement Immediate

This gives you some guidance as to how long it takes to settle a car accident cases.  As you can see, the biggest bottleneck is how long the client take to treat and collecting all of the medical records.  The biggest the cases, the longer it takes to collect the records.

Getting the Right Lawyer

Experienced counsel can help you to get the money you deserve for your injuries. We believe our attorneys are the best accident lawyers in Maryland. Miller & Zois’ lawyers work to get you a quick settlement while still making sure the details are all in place to get you the best settlement possible.

Our lawyers have the experience to shorten the time to settlement by putting your case on the right track from the beginning. We stand up to the insurance companies to fight for fair compensation for the victims of car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents.

If you have been injured in an auto accident get a free online consultation or call 800-553-8082 for a free consultation.

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