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Mercury Insurance Settlements and Claims

This page is about car accident claims against Mercury Insurance.  Our lawyers look at how Mercury handles injury claims and how settlement amounts (and jury payouts) are calculated.


Mercury Insurance Group has been in business since 1962 and was founded in California. It offers automobile insurance, homeowners/renters insurance (which applies in slip-and-fall cases and dog bite attacks), and umbrella policies, along with some commercial policies. They have 1.7 million policyholders.

There is no question that Mercury focuses on high-risk drivers. So there are a lot more accident cases involving Mercury Insurance than its market share would suggest. Bad drivers get in car accidents much more frequently.


Mercury Insurance, established in 1961, is a Los Angeles-based company offering auto insurance primarily in California (80% of its revenues) and 10 other states, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia.
The company provides standard auto insurance coverages such as liability, collision, comprehensive, medical payments, personal injury protection, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Additionally, Mercury offers the usual optional coverages like rental car reimbursement and roadside assistance

Mercury started out only in California but now sells insurance in thirteen states: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia. It ranks fifth in market share in California.


Personal injury car accident lawyers frequently complain about Mercury Insurance. But accident lawyers complain about a lot of things. So let’s look to a more reliable indicator: are state or local governments suing Mercury?

Mercury settled a case with the California Department of Insurance for alleged violations, including delayed claims payments. In another case, Mercury’s own insured had to file a lawsuit because Mercury would charge higher premiums when their insureds had any lapse in insurance coverage contrary to California law.


  • $435,000 Settlement in California. A 52-year-old nurse is riding her motorcycle on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles. She is clipped in the back by a Mercury-insured driver. This insurance company doesn’t write policies in Maryland, but we occasionally see out-of-town drivers from neighboring states, including Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New York. She has a meniscal tear on her knee that requires physical therapy and, eventually, a total knee replacement. She also exacerbates a pre-existing right hip condition. She had $275,000 in medical bills and $20,000 in lost wages.
  • 2013: $200,000 Settlement in New Jersey. A woman drops off her 9-year-old daughter at a relative’s house who has a $300,000 homeowner’s insurance policy with Mercury. In the house is a six-month-old Doberman/Shepherd mix. The dog attacks the child, biting her right cheek causing permanent scarring to her face.
  • 2013: $5,000,000 Settlement in New York. A 43-year-old plumber’s foreman falls off of a ladder. He blames a number of defendants, including his employer and the general contractor of the project. He claims the fall caused back and neck disc herniations of his C4-5, C5-6, C6-7, L2-3 and L5-S1. He has ten surgeries. Mercury represented the man’s employer and paid $1 million of the $5 million settlement.
  • 2012: $1,137,500 Settlement in California. Three plaintiffs – two adults and one child – are struck by an SUV taking a left turn in front of them. The child suffers minor injuries. His pregnant mother, the front seat passenger, loses her baby and fractures her femur and pelvis, requiring an open reduction and internal fixation with a rod in her leg. She also suffers pulmonary embolisms as a consequence of her immobility from the accident. The driver fractures her left arm and right foot. Her foot remains swollen, and she still has significant left arm pain that is likely permanent. Before suit was filed, a binding arbitration determined that even though the defendant had a $15,000/$30,000 insurance policy, Mercury’s failure to timely investigate the accident claims under California law eviscerated the policy limit. Mercury, not surprisingly, decided this was a good time to go to mediation and the case settled.


You may need a lawyer to fight this insurance company for you. Or you might not. After you tell us a little about your accident, we can help you to determine if settlement is in your best interests or if the insurance company is offering less than you deserve.

If you’ve been involved in an automobile collision with a Mercury driver, or if Mercury is fighting your PIP claim or UM/UIM claim, get a free online consultation.


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Client Reviews
They quite literally worked as hard as if not harder than the doctors to save our lives. Terry Waldron
Ron helped me find a clear path that ended with my foot healing and a settlement that was much more than I hope for. Aaron Johnson
Hopefully I won't need it again but if I do, I have definitely found my lawyer for life and I would definitely recommend this office to anyone! Bridget Stevens
The last case I referred to them settled for $1.2 million. John Selinger
I am so grateful that I was lucky to pick Miller & Zois. Maggie Lauer
The entire team from the intake Samantha to the lawyer himself (Ron Miller) has been really approachable. Suzette Allen
The case settled and I got a lot more money than I expected. Ron even fought to reduce how much I owed in medical bills so I could get an even larger settlement. Nchedo Idahosa
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