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Ankle and Foot Injuries | Settlements and Verdicts

One of the best ways to understand the settlement value of foot and ankle injuries is to see example settlement amounts and jury payouts in these cases.

This will not tell you the exact amount your case should settle for. But it should help you better understand the range of values in your case.  While every case is unique, determinative factors can influence the settlement amount, such as the severity of the injury, the extent of medical treatment required, and the impact of the injury on your daily life. So we will provide you an overview of ankle injury personal injury lawsuits and the potential settlement amounts victims can expect.

Our firm handles ankle injury lawsuits nationwide.  We know the science, the experts, and how to explain the severity of the injury to the jury.  (Here is a sample trial transcript from an ankle fracture case.)  When necessary, we work with lawyers in your jurisdiction.  We pay the costs for that lawyer. So you are getting two law firms for the price of one.  Call us today at 800-5553-8082 or get a free online case evaluation.

Example Foot and Ankle Injury Settlements and Verdicts

    • 2024 Maryland, $850,000 Settlement:  Despite the clear instructions from a stop sign and a flashing red light to yield, the defendant crossed directly into our client’s travel path. The collision resulted in multiple injuries for our client, including a nondisplaced right ankle fracture along with a segmental fracture of the proximal and mid-fibular diaphysis.  Although he had a successful recovery from this injury and other serious injuries in the crash, it was a tough recovery requiring medical expenses that were almost $80,000.
    • 2024 Florida: $50,000 Settlement: The plaintiff, a minor, suffered a broken ankle in a car accident caused by a driver with no insurance. The plaintiff sought coverage under the uninsured motorist section of his mother’s car insurance policy and the claim was eventually settled for $50,000.
    • 2023 Pennsylvania, $70,000 Verdict: The plaintiff suffered unspecified injuries to his ankle when he slipped and fell on an icy surface on the defendant’s retail property. The jury awarded $70,000, which included $8,000 for past medicals and $50,000 for future medical expenses.
    • 2022 New York, $15,000 Settlement: The plaintiff, a minor, was struck by the defendant’s vehicle while riding his bicycle. He suffered injuries, including contusions and abrasions to his ankle and knees and a left ankle sprain.
    • 2022 Oregon, $133,000 Verdict: The plaintiff, a 48-year-old male, slipped and fell on a hazardous floor condition at a shopping mall. As a result of the fall, the plaintiff suffered a trimalleolar ankle fracture requiring surgery with hardware.
    • 2021 New York, $7,500 Settlement: A 15-year-old female pedestrian sustained a right ankle sprain, right ankle abrasion, minor scarring to the right ankle, and a contusion to her right foot when she was struck while crossing the street.  This underscores that while ankle injury cases typically have high settlement payouts, every case is different, and some ankle injuries are not severe.  This was not a serious injury case.
    • 2021 Wisconsin, $883,000 Settlement: The defendant negligently crossed over the centerline of traffic and caused a broadside collision with the plaintiff. The plaintiff suffered an open pilon left ankle fracture. This brutal fracture has uncertain recoveries, which is why this payout is high.
    • 2020 Washington, $250,000 Settlement: The plaintiff slipped and fell on ice on the steps of an apartment building. She suffered an oblique fracture of her right ankle, which required surgery and orthopedic hardware to correct and left her with a partial limp.
    • 2019 Pennsylvania, $150,000 Settlement: A 70-year-old female nursing home resident is being helped into a friend’s SUV by staff at a nursing home when she trips, falls, and suffers an open right ankle fracture. She ultimately has to undergo two surgical procedures to repair the broken ankle. She sues the nursing home for negligent supervision in failing to assist her into the vehicle properly. The case settles quickly for $150,000.
    • 2019 New York, $35,000 Settlement: A teenage male plaintiff attempted to cross an intersection as a pedestrian when struck by a vehicle owned by the defendant NYC Dept. of Education and operated by one of its employees. The plaintiff’s only alleged injury was a fractured right ankle. The parties agreed to settle the claim for $35,000.
    • 2019 New York, $37,500 Settlement: A 10-year-old girl suffered a left ankle fracture when she tripped over a hula hoop while playing in gym class under the supervision of the defendant charter school in New York City. Her mother brought a premises liability suit against the school on behalf of the daughter, and the case was quickly settled for $37,500.

    • 2019 Oregon, $39,643 Verdict: A visually impaired male plaintiff was using a cane while crossing an intersection in downtown Portland. The defendant was operating his truck and didn’t see the plaintiff and then struck him while attempting to make a left turn into the intersection. The plaintiff suffered an ankle fracture and other soft tissue injuries. The defendant’s insurer rejected the plaintiff’s $81,000 settlement demand and took the case to trial on damages. The jury awarded $39,000.
    • 2018 California, $175,000 Settlement: Plaintiff, a 72-year-old female court reporter, was walking down an outside stairway at her apartment complex that the defendant owned. She slipped on debris on the steps from a shedding tree and reportedly suffered a nasty ankle fracture requiring open reduction and internal fixation. She sued for premises liability, and the case settled for $175,000.
    • 2019 New York, $50,000 Settlement: Plaintiff, a 9-year-old female, reportedly suffered a left ankle talus fracture when she was struck at an intersection as a pedestrian by a vehicle operated by the defendant. Her guardian filed a claim against the defendant to recover for her injuries, and the parties agreed to settle for $50,000.
    • 2017 Texas, $22,000 Settlement: Plaintiff was struck in her vehicle when the defendant motorist failed to yield when merging. She allegedly suffered a back sprain and sprained her left ankle. The case eventually settled for $22k.
    • 2017, California: $600,000 Settlement. A 65-year-old man is traveling on his motorcycle when he is struck by the defendant, who is trying to change lanes. The plaintiff is transported to the hospital and diagnosed with two separate fractures of the right foot. The first is a distal intra-articular fracture of the first toe, and the second is an avulsion fracture of the medial cuneiform. Plaintiff undergoes open reduction and internal fixation of the cuneiform fracture to insert screws into the foot. The screws are removed during a later surgery. The parties agree to a $600,000 settlement.
    • 2015, California: $871,919 Settlement. A woman is hit when a 19-year-old man makes a left turn in front of her vehicle. She was trapped in the vehicle for 30 minutes with her mother, who was killed in the crash, before being extricated by the Jaws of Life device. She fractured her ankle, requiring open reduction surgery with implanted hardware.
    • 2015, New Jersey: $400,000 Settlement. A middle-aged man suffers a pilon fracture after a head-on collision. A pilon fracture (or Plafond fracture) is a fracture of the distal part of the tibia. This means that this is a high-energy fracture unlike a typical ankle fracture, which is made up of the two bones down by the ankle bone. High-energy fractures typically fetch higher ankle injury settlement amounts.  These fractures are caused by rotational or axial forces,  a common ankle injury our lawyers see in high-impact car and truck accidents. He undergoes both an open reduction with internal fixation and the placement of an external fixation device. The case settled before trial for $400,000.
    • 2014, New Jersey: $900,000 Settlement. A 55-year-old man is traveling on a highway when the Defendant pulls into his lane. He is pushed into traffic and hits a third vehicle head-on. The plaintiff suffers compound comminuted fractures to the left radius and ulna and a fractured calcaneus, among other injuries.
    • 2013, California: $50,000 Settlement. A motorcyclist crashes after a driver unexpectedly merges into his lane, sustaining a left ankle sprain as well as scrapes and bruises. He is further diagnosed with lymphedema and claims he suffered a possible fracture to his right toe. He receives physical therapy for his ankle for several months. The suit is filed against the driver and his mother, the vehicle’s owner. The plaintiff and Defendant are both insured with State Farm. The case is settled at mediation for $50,000.
    • 2012, Pennsylvania: $9,100,000 Verdict. A young woman is driving her car when the defendant suddenly loses control of his dump truck. The dump truck rear-ends a non-party vehicle that knocks the plaintiff’s vehicle into a utility pole. The crash shatters the plaintiff’s ankle, permanently altering her mobility. The driver additionally suffers many severe spine and face injuries, requiring reconstructive surgery. The defendant’s actions had violated many safety procedures, including operating the truck on a steep roadway, carrying an overweight load, driving with a known faulty brake system, and failing to perform a pre-trip inspection. The defendants deny liability, but a Luzerne County jury assigns full blame and awards $9,100,000. The ankle was a big issue, but obviously was not the only battle in this case. This case underscores the difficulty in comparing these cases: if your foot or ankle was badly injured, you likely also suffered other severe injuries.
Are you banging your head trying to determine what your claim might be worth? We understand. While we cannot give you an exact answer to your question, we can get you close to the answer here.
  • 2012, Indiana: $650,000 Verdict. The plaintiff operates a heavy piece of machinery called a “tipper” at a landfill. One of the defendant’s employees knocks into the Plaintiff’s tipper with a tractor-trailer. The force of the impact makes the entire machine shake, throwing Plaintiff around in the cab and causing injuries to his ribs, knee, and ankle. The defendant denies liability and contests the extent of the victim’s injuries. The plaintiff states that the defendant was negligent by failing to use reasonable care at the landfill. The Newton County court awards $650,000.
  • 2012, Georgia: $75,000 Settlement. Plaintiff sustains foot and ankle injuries as a result of the defendant who admittedly ran a red light. The defendant, insured with USAA, does not dispute the Plaintiff’s soft tissue injuries but denies the Plaintiff’s claim for accident-related DVT issues. The plaintiff claims that she developed bilateral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) as a complication of the immobilization of her foot to treat the fracture sustained in the automobile accident. A pretrial settlement of $75,000 has been reached.
  • 2012, Louisiana: $126,161 Verdict. A crew member aboard a navigation vessel is on the Mississippi River. The plaintiff was handling a wire rope as part of his usual duties when the rope crushes his foot due to the captain’s negligence. The seaman sues for personal injury, medical expenses, loss of earnings, physical pain and suffering, and scarring. The plaintiff argues that the captain and the crew are incompetent and under-trained, and the ship is unseaworthy. The defendants settle all the claims against them except for the measure of future medical expenses. After the trial, the Maritime Judge awards $126,161.
  • 2012, California: $1,300,000 Verdict. The plaintiff, a 48-year-old firefighter, is washing one of the fire engines when a fellow firefighter runs over his foot while attempting to parallel park next to the fire engine. The plaintiff suffers a crush injury to his left foot and ankle, resulting in possible nerve damage. He cannot return to work as a firefighter and is forced to retire early. The plaintiff claims he experiences residual pain and stiffness in his left ankle and foot, preventing him from running and climbing. Plaintiff claims $279,000 in damages and $1.5 to $2 million in future lost earnings. Workers’ compensation covers his medical bills, but they are still an element of damages under the collateral source rule in California.  The parties reach a $1.3 million settlement, the amount of the Defendant’s insurance policy with GEICO.
  • 2011, New York: 225,000 Settlement. A 20-year-old student is injured when the vehicle in which she is a passenger is side-swiped by another vehicle during a snowstorm. She hires a personal injury lawyer and sues the driver, alleging she suffered ankle and foot injuries. Specifically, she suffered an injury our lawyers are very familiar with in our practice: a Lisfranc fracture, which are the bones that form the instep, as well as derangement and sprain of the same ankle. Experts determined that the injuries damaged nerves, leading to complex regional pain syndrome, or RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), a permanent condition. After undergoing physical therapy and pain management, Plaintiff contends constant pain and requires constant use of a cane. The parties negotiate a pre-trial settlement of $225,000. State Farm insured the at-fault vehicle.
  • 2010, Georgia: $50,000 Verdict with a net of $37,500. The plaintiff is dropped off in front of a mall where he is employed. He exits the vehicle and then reaches back into the car to gather his belongings. As he steps away from the vehicle, Defendant drives over his foot, fracturing his ankle. The plaintiff alleges at trial that the defendant passed too close to his vehicle, failing to keep a proper lookout. The defendant, a State Farm insured, contends the accident is the Plaintiff’s fault for not looking before he stepped in front of her car. The defendant offers an alternative that the plaintiff is at least comparatively negligent for failure to keep a proper look to avoid the accident. A jury awards the Plaintiff $50,000 but reduces it by 25% for comparative negligence.

Hiring a Lawyer to Fight Your Ankle Injury Claim

If you have an ankle or foot injury in a car, motorcycle, or truck accident, we can help you get fair compensation – and sometimes more than “fair” – for these life-altering injuries. Call Miller & Zois at 800-553-8082 or get a free claim evaluation.

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