Maryland Judiciary Case Search is a weapon we use in our practice that is open to everyone. Maryland Case Search gives us free access to information from Maryland court records in both District and Circuit Court. It provides access to both criminal and civil lawsuits in every Maryland county. So if your daughter’s boyfriend has a DWI or a drug conviction, you can find it quickly here. If you are about to do a business deal with someone who sues everyone within a one-mile radius of him, you can find that out, too.
What is really useful is that the system is current. Within 10 minutes, the information on Case Search is the same as it is on the courthouse clerk’s computer. Courthouses have always been open in Maryland but, practically speaking, you had to be either rich or have tons of time to dedicate to getting access to the records. Having Internet access Maryland court records really makes the promise of open and free access to our courts come alive.
While the information is only as good as the clerk that is putting in the data and errors sometimes occur, the system is generally pretty reliable.
What Can You Use Maryland Case Search to Do?
The biggest use of case search is probably from people checking on people that are in their lives or in the lives of someone they love. Maybe you want to know whether your new boyfriend has a bad driving record or a criminal background. You might want to know if someone you are having a conflict with has a history of criminal activity or civil litigation. Said differently, it is a chance to get information about people that they might not want you to know that you can use to better protect yourself or your family.
Our law firm, Miller & Zois, uses Maryland Case Search to:
- verify court dates,
- see how certain claims were resolved,
- find out whether there are prior claims against the driver or doctor we are suing
- check for hospital liens involving our personal injury clients
- see if a defendant has any judgments recorded against them
- review records from the estate related to our client’s wrongful death claim
How Far Back Do the Records Go?
How far back does the Case Search records go? The answer depends on the county and whether it is criminal or civil as this chart demonstrates:
County or City | Civil Start Date | Criminal Start Date |
Allegany | 06/02/1997 | 09/07/1999 |
Anne Arundel | 01/01/1991 | 1989 |
Baltimore City | 11/23/1998 | 1993 |
Baltimore County | 06/01/1995 | June 1984 |
Calvert | 10/06/1997 | 04/10/2000 |
Caroline | 10/01/1998 | 10/10/2000 |
Carroll | 01/01/1991 | 1990 |
Cecil | 06/03/1998 | 04/12/2000 |
Charles | 08/23/1996 | 10/26/1998 |
Dorchester | 03/24/1998 | 09/11/2000 |
Frederick | 02/09/1998 | 03/13/2000 |
Garrett | 11/03/1997 | 10/04/1999 |
Harford | 05/04/1998 | 06/21/1999 |
Howard | 04/23/1997 | 05/04/1999 |
Kent | 08/03/1998 | 05/08/2000 |
Montgomery | 01/01/1978 | 1979 |
Prince George’s | 07/01/1986 | 1982 |
Queen Anne’s | 03/29/1999 | 12/04/2000 |
Saint Mary’s | 07/01/1997 | 03/06/2000 |
Somerset | 02/16/1999 | 12/11/2000 |
Talbot | 03/30/1998 | 06/26/2000 |
Washington | 07/17/1997 | 11/01/1999 |
Wicomico | 10/14/1997 | 08/07/2000 |
Worcester | 11/16/1998 | 10/23/2000 |
What Is Not Included in Case Search? 
While traffic cases are technically criminal, minor infractions do not appear in the system after three years. You are also not going to find marriage license records, landlord-tenant disputes, and judgments and liens in Prince George’s County. You also cannot learn how much money the jury awarded in a case for many Maryland counties. You can learn more about the value of personal injury cases in Maryland here.
How Do I Find Maryland Case Search?
You can find the link right here.
Getting a Maryland Lawyer
We are a personal injury firm that handles only serious injury and wrongful death claims on behalf of victims. If you need our help, call us at 800-553-8082 or get for a free consultation online.
- Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records (Rules 16-1001 through 16-1011)
- Get information on cases filed in U.S. District Court
- Learn more about what court records you can access and those that you cannot.
- Case search is not going to give you much information on how to place a dollar figure on personal injury cases. This page will.