Below is a sample verdict sheet for a medical malpractice lawsuit. In a medical malpractice lawsuit, the verdict sheet typically itemizes each category of damages, as you will see in the example below.
Example Malpractice Verdict Sheet
CHIAU WEN CHEN, Defendant.
CASE NO.: 24-C-20-001229-MM
- Do you find that Chiau Wen Chen failed to follow the standard of care on February 2, 2020 when he performed surgery on Phyllis French, and that this failure was a cause of an injury to Phyllis French?
YES ________ NO________
If you answer is NO, then stop and notify the bailiff. If you answer is YES then answer question number 2.
- What damages do you find for the Plaintiff, Phyllis French for:
Past Medical Expenses: __________________
Future Medical Expense: __________________
Past Lost Wages: __________________
Future Lost Wages: __________________
Non-economic damages to include physical injury and
the associated pain, suffering, inconvenience, and
physical impairment in the past and into the future: __________________
Jury Foreperson__________________________ Date:______________
More Malpractice Resources
- Sample Attorney Deposition of Medical Malpractice Doctor (defendant’s deposition)
- Sample Expert Report (report for certificate of merit in Maryland that is Walzer compliant)
- Sample Attorney Deposition of Defendant Doctor’s Medical Expert (defendant’s expert)
- Sample Medical Malpractice Complaint (sample Maryland med mal complaint)
- Requirements for Certificate of Merit in Maryland Malpractice Cases