Judge Howard Chasanow

Judge Chasanow served on the Maryland Court of Appeals from 1990-1998. He began his judicial career in 1971 as a district court judge and moved on to circuit court in 1977. In 1990, Governor William Donald Schaefer appointed Judge Chasanow to the Court of Appeals. Myers v. Bright was one of 175 opinions Judge Chasanow wrote on behalf of the majority of the Maryland Court of Appeals (215 all told, total including dissenting and concurring opinions).

He retired from the bench in 1999 after nine years on the Maryland Court of Appeals.  He spent the rest of his career as a mediator of mostly serious personal injury and wrongful death cases.  He told the parties in every mediation that he saw a lot of juries in his time of the Circuit Court bench make the wrong decisions and he believed mediation provided the best chance for the fairest outcome for both parties.  Notably, he called himself a “settlement facilitator” instead of a mediator and said the difference between the two was important.

He died in 2017 at age 79 from spinal cord injuries suffered in an automobile crash.

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