Below is an example of a rebuttal closing statement given by Laura Zois in a brain aneurism misdiagnosis case.
- Thank you, Your Honor. It is absolutely terrifying
- to me that after four years and listening to all of the
- testimony and understanding all of the evidence, that the
- Defense still doesn’t understand why we’re here. They still
- don’t understand what we’re claiming the doctors did wrong.
- And I’m going to go through that in a second, but they don’t
- get it. And in the beginning of this case, I did tell you that
- this case is not complicated.
- It’s actually pretty straightforward and simple, and
- I’m going to walk you back through that in a second. But you
- just had the doctors stand up, but they know you’re not
- supposed to be invoked by sympathy. And that goes for the
- defendants, too. And Ms. White isn’t here for sympathy.
- She’s got plenty of sympathy from her family and her friends
- and her sister and her nieces and her nephews. We’re not here
- for sympathy. What we’re here for is to hold the doctors
- accountable for what happened to Gregory.
- And you’re going to have to explain to each other why
- you feel the way you do about the evidence. And so back in the
- jury deliberation room, what I’m going to talk about are the
- things that I think you are going to be discussing. And I
- can’t possibly go through everything I disagree with of what
- they said up here, because then we’d be here for another hour.
- But what I do know is that you all have been taking
- very copious and careful notes. So I want you to definitely go
- back and look at the notes that you’ve been taking because I
- think you’re going to find some of the answers in those notes.
- And some of that is going to be different than what some of
- these attorneys have said up here during their closing
- argument. But I can’t go through it all.
- But the case is not difficult. It’s a simple case.
- What happened with Gregory is that we know what his medical
- history is, and right now, I’m struggling a little bit to find
- the calendar. So everybody agrees that this is Gregory’s
- medical history. And everything represented in red are when he
- went to the doctor and had headaches.
- And everything represented in green, including a
- visit in February, was when he went to a doctor for some other
- reason and didn’t have a headache. And I think one thing you
- know about Taylor White is she’s a mama bear. And her baby
- isn’t feeling well. He’s going to the doctor. We’re talking
- about a woman that took her son to five medical appointments
- over the course of six days.
- Five medical appointments over the course of six
- days. If her son Gregory was having headaches in between
- December and April, you’d see dots on here. There isn’t any
- there. Gregory wasn’t having headaches in between December
- and April. That’s not what the quality evidence would show
- you. The quality evidence shows you that in fact he wasn’t.
- And if he was having headaches in between December
- and April, Dr. Edelstein did the worst — the very worst prior
- medical history of any possible pediatric neurologist, because
- a pediatric neurologist must know the frequency of the
- headaches, the duration of the headaches, the symptoms
- associated with the headaches.
- And you can’t tell me that when Taylor White went in
- there and said my son had a headache in December and then Dr.
- Edelstein in her notes said headache in December, nothing until
- then, you can’t tell me that as a pediatric neurologist, that
- the child in front of you who is complaining of severe sudden
- onset of headache isn’t going to do some — at least a couple
- of questions about the headaches in between December and April.
- So there just isn’t — the evidence just isn’t there.
- The defense team has subpoenaed records from all over the State
- of Maryland. If Taylor White had taken her son in for a
- headache, they’d have it. And Taylor White took her son in
- for sniffles and rashes and a bum elbow and a cough and a cold.
- You can see the level of attention that this mom has for her
- son just with this ten day period alone. Five doctors’ visits
- over the course of six days. So what we know is that Gregory
- did have a headache in December. He had a headache in
- December. And then he had a sudden and severe onset of what
- turns out to be the worst headache of his life. That’s what
- happened here.
- This child — this is Gregory’s history of the last
- 14 days of his life. He has an unrelenting, severe headache
- that Tylenol and Motrin and Toradol aren’t getting rid of.
- There’s something causing these symptoms. Something is going
- on in this child’s brain that’s not being addressed. And for
- each one of these healthcare providers, they’re responsible for
- knowing what’s in Gregory’s past, what’s in Gregory’s
- history.
- So for every one of these healthcare providers, they
- need to ask the right questions, to make the right diagnosis,
- so they can give the right treatment. So they need to
- understand that Gregory didn’t have headaches since December.
- Gregory had a headache in December. Not since December.
- And for every one of these doctors, they’re
- responsible for knowing what’s been going on with this child
- for this many days. So for example, I know we’ve spent a lot
- of time talking about Physician’s Assistant Longley and how he
- appeared on the day that he was seen on April 6th — I’ll just
- use that as an example, but remember that on April 6th,
- Physician Assistant Longley was concerned enough to refer him
- to a neurologist. And the reason was because she knew the
- history.
- She knew that this started in March. She knew that
- he had nausea, vomiting, neck pain, dizziness. At the time she
- saw him, photophobia. She knows that Nurse Janner said he
- appeared very ill. So even though counsel wants you to believe
- that he was perfectly normal on April 6th and everything was
- fine, Melissa Longley knew that there was enough there to at a
- minimum refer him to a neurologist.
- And what’s really sad and tragic about that day is
- she also suspected a brain aneurism. It was in her
- differential diagnosis. She suspected it. She got it right.
- But guess what? We’re not expecting anybody to do that.
- That’s not the standard that we’re expecting of the doctors.
- The standard that we’re expecting of the doctors isn’t diagnose
- the one in a million rare things. That’s not what it is. Even
- though Melissa Longley got it right.
- That’s not the standard of care. The standard of
- care is look at this child. Look at what he’s going through.
- Understand what his symptoms are. Know that pain medication
- isn’t working. Know that he has neck pain. Know he has
- dizziness. Know he has vomiting. Know that he cannot sleep.
- And it’s not going away. So do one thing. Take a look.
- That’s all we’re saying. Take a look. Run a CT scan. Do an
- MRI. That’s it.
- We’re not expecting that any of these five doctors
- sitting over here are going to be able to say, oh, well, I’m
- going to diagnose speci
fically this one in a million rare brain - bleed. That’s not what we’re saying. That’s terrifying.
- Absolutely terrifying to me that you all would think that
- that’s what is required under the law, to be reasonably
- competent. That is not it. That is not it. No doctor is
- required to imagine and come up with some rare diagnosis, even
- though Melissa Longley did it.
- What they are required to do is take a look at this
- child, spend a moment with him. Spend enough time with him to
- understand what his history is. And just take a look and see
- if there’s something there. Take a look and rule out what you
- know to be life threatening symptoms. Because what he had were
- life threatening symptoms. And he got just bounced back and
- forth. ER, pediatrician, ER, pediatrician, ER, neurology,
- neurology, back to medication. Somebody needed to take a look.
Somebody needed to rule out the life threatening condition and
- the life threatening symptoms that he had. Somebody just
- needed to take a look.
- Now, with respect to the sentinel bleed and whether
- or not it’s a thing, it’s a thing. It’s on Johns Hopkins
- website, even though Dr. Kuhn didn’t really want to talk about
- it. It’s also ultimately what Children’s Hospital — you can
- look at this again in your exhibits if you want to, but it’s on
- page 145. It’s what the doctors at Children’s said happened.
- They said it started as a sentinel headache. So it’s a thing.
- And it’s what happened in this case.
- And I’m also just dumbfounded about how you can have
- so many smart people in the room, so many intelligent
- attorneys, who can’t figure out Dr. Meager (phonetic sp.) and
- what his testimony was about the bleed in the subarachnoid
- space. This is very, very, very important. Dr. Meager said
- if blood is in the subarachnoid space — Dr. Jones talked
- about it, too — you aren’t going to have neurofocal deficits,
- because the blood is in the space that isn’t touching the
- brain.
- So you’re not going to have neurofocal deficits.
- It’s not going to happen. And everybody agreed, including Dr.
- Edelstein, that if you have blood in this subarachnoid space
- which isn’t touching anything else in your brain, that you can
- have all of the symptoms that Gregory had.
- So you don’t need to be collapsing on the floor and
- having altered mental status to have blood in the subarachnoid
- space that’s causing problems.
- So let me address the small amount of blood that was
- in the subarachnoid space. Gregory had an aneurism. It
- started to bleed. How it closed off, it’s called clotting.
- And Dr. Meager talked about that. He had a small bleed. It
- clotted off, and it stopped bleeding. Now, let’s talk about
- the blood that’s in the subarachnoid space. Blood does not
- belong in the subarachnoid space.
- It’s not supposed to be there. It’s going to cause
- symptoms. And it caused these symptoms in Gregory. The
- existence of the blood in the subarachnoid space caused these
- symptoms for Gregory, and which is why he didn’t have
- neurofocal deficits, because you can’t get neurofocal deficits
- unless the blood is a hemorrhage in the brain, and that’s just
- not where it was.
- And if you remember Dr. Meager’s testimony, and this
- is a lovely display here. But if you listen to Dr. Meager’s
- testimony, what he said was it’s not a washing machine in
- there. Basically, the blood stays. The blood does not leave
- the subarachnoid space. The fluid does circulate around. But
- the blood stays. The blood isn’t absorbed into the body. The
- blood stays in the subarachnoid space.
- So the blood stays in the subarachnoid space, which
- is why Dr. Meager also told you that if a CT image was done
- between April 2 and April 8, with nearly 100 percent
- reliability, it would have shown up on a CT scan, because blood
- looks very different than the fluid in the subarachnoid space
- is supposed to look. And it would have been difficult — by
- saying it’s just a little amount of blood is kind of like
- saying oh, it’s just a little bit of arsenic.
- It’s just a little bit of nuclear radiation. The
- blood is not supposed to be there. I don’t care how small it
- is. It’s large enough to create these problems and it was large
- enough and in a large enough amount for Dr. Meager to tell you
- that it would have been visible on a CT scan.
- Which brings me to my next point. If they were so
- sure that this blood was not going to show up on a CT scan and
- they were so sure that this isn’t a sentinel headache, where is
- their radiologist that’s going to come in and tell you that?
- Where’s that guy or gal? Where is their radiologist that’s
- going to come in here and tell you it’s not going to show up?
- They didn’t call one. They did not put a person on
- the stand that is trained, qualified, board certified, looks at
- this day in and day out. They didn’t put that person on the
- stand. They put Dr. Kuhn on, who had to admit that he’s not an
- expert in neuroradiology imaging. He’s just not. And while
- I’m on Dr. Kuhn for a second, with the comparison between Dr.
- Kuhn and Dr. Chow, I just want to remind you all that Dr. Chow,
- 100 percent of her patients are pediatric patients. 100
- percent of them. All of them. And Dr. Kuhn has five percent
- of his population as pediatric patients. So Dr. Chow’s entire
- population of patients that she deals with are pediatric
- patients.
- So you know, it’s not — I just have to say it one
- more time. It’s not — we’re not asking that these doctors had
- diagnosed some crazy, rare, odd thing that no one ever thinks
- about. That’s not the case. And if I haven’t done my job and
- convinced you that that’s not the case, I could see why you
- would say, wow, you can’t expect these doctors to diagnose this
- really super-rare thing. That would be crazy. And it would.
- That’s not what we’re asking of reasonably competent
- health care providers. What we’re asking of reasonably
- competent health care providers is to take a look. Just take a
- look at this kid. Give it a closer look. Spend a little bit
- more time with him. Do a CT scan. It’s right down the hall.
- Take 15 minutes. You’ll have results within an hour. And
- you’ll have your answer. And none of them did that. None of
- them took the time to do that. None of them took the time to
- rule out the life threatening possibilities based on the
- symptoms that he had.
- And it’s just — it’s inexcusable. And you all have
- a choice. You’ve seen a lot of people come in and out of this
- courtroom. Right? You all are going to have a choice when you
- go back into the jury deliberation room. Your decision in this
- case matters. It matters a lot. It matters to us. It matters
- to everybody else in this courtroom. But most importantly, it
- matters to your community. And you all have a choice to make.
- You can decide that you’re going to agree with the standard of
- care that protects the doctors. Because that’s what the
- doctors, the local doctors came in, right? Baltimore,
- Georgetown, Baltimore — they all came in and said, oh, the
- standard of care is everybody did all the right things.
- Or you can accept the standard of care that prote
cts - the patients. And the standard of care that protects the
- patients is going to require that somebody take a complete,
- accurate, and thorough history and take another look at
- Gregory White, take a closer look to rule out any of
- these life threatening symptoms that he had going on. And you
- have examples of reasonably competent physicians. You have
- Nurse Janner who called over to the emergency room. You have
- Children’s Hospital that called over to Nurse Janner. Nothing
- was stopping any of these folks from communicating with each
- other.
- Call the pediatrician if mom is saying I don’t know
- to an answer that’s really important. Call the hospital if
- he’s in your office as the neurologist to find out what the
- history is. They didn’t communicate with each other. It wasn’t
- — it was a system failure is what happened here. And it’s just
- not okay.
- So the last thing that I’m going to leave you with —
- I guess you shouldn’t be surprised that all the defendants are
- arm in arm, right? And that they’re all relying on each
- other’s testimony and that they’re sharing experts and that
- sort of thing. But it’s not a competition about who called
- more experts or who has more people that say the same thing.
- What I’m going to ask of all of you is to analyze the
- credibility of the witnesses and why they might be testifying
- the way they are. And I think after you do that, what you’re
- going to realize is that the credibility of Dr. Evans and Dr.
- Jones and Dr. Chow and Dr. Meager are going to carry the
- day on the standard of care and on the causation issue.
- And before I sit back down, I just want to say one
- more thing. We all get to go home after this case is over. I
- go back to my house, my family. Counsel goes back to their
- house, the doctors go back to their practices. You guys get
- back to what you’ve been missing for the last two weeks.
- But this is Taylor White’s last and only opportunity
- to hold the doctors accountable for failing to order a test
- that would have caught a life threatening condition and saved
- his life. And Taylor White is going to leave after this trial
- and go back home and she’s going to be look at the box of her
- son’s remains for the rest of her life. For 46.4 years. And
- today is her day to hold the doctors accountable for failing to
- do what reasonably competent doctors would have done faced with
- these complaints and just take a little closer look. Thank
- you.